Preparing For An Increase: The Truth About Propane Prices Winter 2022

It’s no secret that as winter months approach, it is likely that consumers will see a rise in their propane price. It’s easy to understand why – there is an increase in use all over the country because it’s colder. Consumers are using their heaters more often, turning on their propane fireplaces, and cooking large […]

Pre-Buy Your Winter Propane Gallons to Potentially Save BIG

Sign ups for Delta Liquid Energy’s Pre-Buy Program are OPEN! Deliveries will begin in October! Spring is here! While the next couple of months bring the promise of warmer weather, it’s also time to be planning for the next winter. By taking advantage of the Pre-Buy Program, you can purchase your winter propane early, at […]

Delta Liquid Energy’s Pre-Buy Program: How Customers Are Benefitting

Delta Liquid Energy’s annual Pre-Buy Program is a way for customers to budget for their winter propane use by purchasing their estimated winter gallons during summer months. Because the price of propane is often higher in the colder, winter months, the Pre-Buy Program offers customers a chance to purchase their estimated winter gallons at a […]

Do You Know Where Your Propane Price Comes From?

The Many Factors That Go Into Your Propane Delivery Your friendly Delta Liquid Energy propane delivery specialist is in your driveway again, bringing that much needed fuel to heat your home. He fills up your tank and hands you your delivery ticket – “Whoa! That was more expensive than I thought it would be?!” We’ve […]