Why the Cost of Propane Increases

Propane Pricing Explained Propane follows a consistent cycle; supply increases during the warm summer months and then drops off during the cold winter. There are a lot of elements that come into play for this, but there are some reliably consistent ones. Propane demand increases during the winter. Typically, the busiest time of year for […]

Preparing For An Increase: The Truth About Propane Prices Winter 2022

It’s no secret that as winter months approach, it is likely that consumers will see a rise in their propane price. It’s easy to understand why – there is an increase in use all over the country because it’s colder. Consumers are using their heaters more often, turning on their propane fireplaces, and cooking large […]

How to Choose a Propane Supplier

When choosing a propane supplier for your home or business, there are many different factors to consider. Whether using propane for heating, cooking appliances, or even fleet vehicles, it is important to find a trusted company that best fits your needs. Reliable Supply Finding a propane supplier that can undoubtedly secure your supply is important. […]

Have You Heard About DLE’s Level Payment Plan?

Sign Ups Accepted April Through August Every Year! The Delta Liquid Energy Level Payment Plan offers the opportunity for a known propane payment each month. We will work together with you to calculate you monthly payment based on your estimated use. Here’s how it works: First, we take your estimated annual use and multiply it […]