Mastering Beef Jerky on Your Propane Gas Grill - Delta Liquid Energy

Mastering Beef Jerky on Your Propane Gas Grill

Mastering Beef Jerky on Your Propane Gas Grill

Unlock the Secrets to Homemade Smoky Beef Jerky with Your Propane Grill

Making beef jerky at home might seem daunting, but with your propane gas grill, it’s surprisingly simple and allows for a lot of creative culinary expression, especially if you love the rich, smoky flavors. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to make beef jerky on your gas grill, including a section on how to infuse that beloved smoky taste.


Getting Started: Choosing the Right Beef

Start with a lean cut of beef because fat can cause the jerky to spoil faster. Ideal cuts include top round, bottom round, or sirloin tip. Freeze the beef slightly to make it easier to slice thinly and uniformly. If you are experimenting with other meat, both turkey and deer are lean meats, which is great for jerky making. For turkey, use breast meat for the best results. For deer (venison), any lean cuts will do, but leg and loin are particularly good choices.


Preparing the Marinade

Marinating the beef is crucial as it flavors the jerky and helps tenderize the meat. Basic beef jerky marinade ingredients include soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, black pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, and a little sugar for balance. You can tweak the spices according to your taste, adding things like smoked paprika or chili flakes for a kick. Turkey and venison might benefit from a more robust marinade to enhance their milder flavors compared to beef. You might want to add a bit more spice or sweetness, depending on your taste preferences, to complement the natural flavors of the meat


Slicing and Marinating the Meat

Slice the beef into consistent thin strips, about 1/8 to 1/4 inch thick. This consistency is key for even drying. Submerge the beef strips in the marinade and let them soak for at least 4-6 hours, or overnight in the refrigerator for more robust flavor. Like beef, turkey should be sliced thinly and evenly.. Venison, being a denser meat, should also be sliced thinly but can be slightly thicker than turkey to retain some texture.


Setting Up Your Gas Grill

The key to making jerky on a gas grill is low and slow drying. Set up your grill for indirect cooking and maintain a low temperature, ideally around 160-180°F. If your grill has a temperature gauge, use it to monitor and maintain this low heat.


Drying the Meat

Place the marinated beef strips directly on the grill grates or on a grill mat if you prefer easier cleanup. The goal is to dry the meat, not cook it, so keep the grill lid closed to maintain a consistent low temperature. The drying process can take anywhere from 2 to 6 hours, depending on the thickness of the slices and the exact temperature of your grill. Turkey and deer meats are generally leaner and can dry out faster, so you might find that the drying time is slightly less. It’s important to start checking for doneness earlier to avoid overly dry jerky.


Safety Considerations

Particularly with turkey, it’s important to ensure that the jerky reaches a safe internal temperature to prevent foodborne illnesses. A final temperature of at least 165°F is recommended, which can be achieved in the drying process in your grill


Optional Smoky Flavor

To add a smoky flavor to your beef jerky without a smoker, consider using smoker boxes or smoking pellets designed for gas grills. Fill the smoker box with wood chips like hickory or mesquite and place it over an active burner to produce smoke. Alternatively, sprinkle a small amount of hardwood pellets directly onto the heat diffusers. This will generate a mild smoke that infuses the jerky as it dries.



Once the jerky is dry and cools off, store it in an airtight container. Properly dried jerky can last for several weeks at room temperature but storing it in the refrigerator can extend its shelf life.


Tips for Success

– Keep the grill temperature low to avoid cooking the beef instead of drying it.

– Flip the beef strips occasionally to ensure even drying.

– Experiment with different woods for smoking to find your preferred flavor profile.


Making beef jerky on your gas grill is a fun and flavorful weekend project. It not only provides tasty snacks but also gives you the chance to play with flavors and techniques like smoking, even without a traditional smoker. Enjoy the process and the delicious results!

