Seven Ways To Lower Your Propane Bill This Season

Lowering your Thermostat a Few Degrees Can Add Up to BIG Savings When fall rolls in, along with the ever-popular pumpkin-spice latte, the temperatures drop and your propane bill may rise as you have the potential to use more propane. Many Americans are still reeling from the effects of COVID-19 – both economical and emotional […]

How to Prepare Your Propane Tank & Equipment for Winter

Follow These Tips to Keep the Propane Flowing Fall is a smart season to take some time to inspect your propane tank and equipment to be sure it’s ready for the cooler months. You’ll likely use more propane to keep your home or business warm during the winter. You shouldn’t have to worry about running […]

Wildfire and Propane Safety

Wildfires are a prevalent topic right now, especially on the West Coast. The most common fires that start are typically brush fires or wildfires, typically started by wind, lightening, or human actions. These fires can form in many different climates and terrains. Once a fire is started, they can grow in strength and distance in […]

Have You Heard About DLE’s Level Payment Plan?

Sign Ups Accepted April Through August Every Year! The Delta Liquid Energy Level Payment Plan offers the opportunity for a known propane payment each month. We will work together with you to calculate you monthly payment based on your estimated use. Here’s how it works: First, we take your estimated annual use and multiply it […]

Lock in Your Winter Propane Gallons at Summer Prices – Participate in Delta Liquid Energy’s Pre-Buy Program

Pre-Buy Your Estimated Winter Use NOW and You Could SAVE BIG Sign Ups are accepted every April – June for the following year’s winter deliveries Though this winter was not as cold for many of our customers as it has been in the past, they still saved by buying propane for the winter months in […]

Simple Ways You Can Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

In our current state of affairs – large sporting events and gatherings being postponed, air travel being minimized, and everyone taking extra precautions with their health – Delta Liquid Energy wants to share some ways to keep your home energy use efficient should you find yourself in a position where you are asked to, or […]

How Do I Know if I Have a Leak in My Propane System?

As propane consumers we often wonder about the potential for a leak in our propane lines. Fortunately, propane is stored and handled with the highest safety measures. Our industry and Delta Liquid Energy adhere to strict codes lined out in NFPA 58. These codes are the benchmark for safe LP-Gas storage, handling, transportation, and use. […]

Do You Know Where Your Propane Price Comes From?

The Many Factors That Go Into Your Propane Delivery Your friendly Delta Liquid Energy propane delivery specialist is in your driveway again, bringing that much needed fuel to heat your home. He fills up your tank and hands you your delivery ticket – “Whoa! That was more expensive than I thought it would be?!” We’ve […]

Keep Your Family Warm, Comfortable, and SAFE During the Cold and Wet Winter Season

A Cold Weather Preparation Checklist and Winter Safety Tips for Propane Consumers The weather is cold and wet throughout most of the United States this time of year. Even in California we see low temperatures and, in some cases, even snow during January and February. As propane customers, colder weather means higher consumption of fuel […]

Why Shouldn’t I Own My Propane Tank?

DLE Provides Company Owned Propane Storage Tanks Hassle Free In many of life’s cases, consumers often wonder: is it better to use a company owned propane tank or purchase your own? For example, the home you live in, the car you own, or that boat or motor home you just purchased. While these examples come […]