Why Shouldn't I Own My Propane Tank? - Benefits of company owned equipment - Delta Liquid Energy

Why Shouldn’t I Own My Propane Tank?

propane tank supplying energy to farm

DLE Provides Company Owned Propane Storage Tanks Hassle Free

In many of life’s cases, consumers often wonder: is it better to use a company owned propane tank or purchase your own? For example, the home you live in, the car you own, or that boat or motor home you just purchased. While these examples come with substantial costs and most consumers would not be able to afford purchasing them outright, a propane tank is much less expensive and can be another example of the age-old question: to own or not to own? Just as with any propane company, DLE charges a minimal annual service agreement fee to customers that choose to use one of our company owned tanks. While there can be upsides to owning your own tank, there are many more viable reasons why that is not always your best choice.
Here are a few benefits of a company owned propane tank:

Leak and Loss: In any propane tank, if there is a leak there is lost propane. Luckily, your annual service agreement fee includes coverage for loss of product due to the unlikely event of company owned equipment failure! By monitoring your tank gauge and reporting any suspicious findings to DLE, we will replace any lost propane due to a potential leak found in company owned equipment.

Expensive Equipment: Purchasing your own tank outright can cost you upwards of $2,000 depending on the size. Even if this amount of money is attainable for you, it’s probably more exciting to spend it on something fun!

The Tank Goes Where You Go: If you sell your property, you may be hard pressed to find a buyer who will understand the value of your investment, leaving you with a piece of equipment you may no longer need.

Liability: This will now shift from your trusted propane company to yourself and accidents do happen. Tanks owned by DLE are annually inspected to prevent any potential issues and we will repair anything that may cause said issues.

Safety First: As with the liability factor, DLE service technicians are all properly trained on tank safety and protocol. All of our tanks are maintained by these technicians and kept up to all governmental standards.

Coupling the above reasons with Delta Liquid Energy’s service options, it is easy to see why using company owned equipment is the way to go.

Source: www.tankutility.com