Seven Ways To Lower Your Propane Bill This Season - Delta Liquid Energy

Seven Ways To Lower Your Propane Bill This Season

Person changing the thermostat

Lowering your Thermostat a Few Degrees Can Add Up to BIG Savings

When fall rolls in, along with the ever-popular pumpkin-spice latte, the temperatures drop and your propane bill may rise as you have the potential to use more propane. Many Americans are still reeling from the effects of COVID-19 – both economical and emotional – so saving money is on many minds. We’ve outlined a few steps you can take this fall and winter to help lower energy bills.

1. Lower your thermostat. Even a consistent change of a few degrees can save you five to 15 percent annually. According to the Department of Energy, about one percent can be saved from your bill for each degree you adjust your thermostat for eight hours each day. In the cooler months, start at 68 degrees for when you are home and awake. Try reducing your thermostat one degree each week to see how you feel and how much propane you are using.

2. Learn to love bundling up rather than dressing for summer. With lower temps on your thermostat, your home won’t be as warm, so find some cozy socks and sweaters to keep warm inside.

3. Harness what heat there is already. Open your curtains and shades every morning to let the sun warm your home like a greenhouse. When you take showers or cook, keep the interior doors open so that heat spreads to other rooms. Use caution when turning on ventilation fans as they may be a contributing factor to the loss of warm air you are hoping will stay in your home.

4. Turn down the thermostat on your water heater. You likely won’t notice if you drop your water heater from 140 degrees to 120. You can always turn up the thermostat if you do notice. The Environmental Protection Agency reports that doing so could save six to 10 percent on your yearly heating bill.

5. Install a programmable thermostat. This will allow you to adjust the heat on a predetermined schedule, so the heat can be lower when you’re not at home or during the night when you are asleep. You can also get a programmable thermostat you can operate via your smartphone to adjust the heat when you’re away from home.

6. Don’t let heat escape unnecessarily by keeping doors and windows shut when the heat is on. If your home has a fireplace, be sure that the flue is closed when not in use. Also turn off kitchen and bathroom ventilation fans when they are not needed.

7. Keep your windows covered when it’s dark outside. This will help reduce heat loss and keep cold air at bay.



U.S. Department of Energy