Delta Liquid Energy, Author at Delta Liquid Energy - Page 4 of 8

Delta Liquid Energy’s Pre-Buy Program: How Customers Are Benefitting

Delta Liquid Energy’s annual Pre-Buy Program is a way for customers to budget for their winter propane use by purchasing their estimated winter gallons during summer months. Because the price of propane is often higher in the colder, winter months, the Pre-Buy Program offers customers a chance to purchase their estimated winter gallons at a […]

Renewable Propane: What Is It

Many people are familiar with renewable energy. Renewable energy is energy collected from infinite sources that naturally replenish themselves. As sustainability becomes more of a focus, renewable propane is on the horizon.   What is Renewable Propane?  Renewable propane is produced by converting natural sources such as biomass, vegetable oils, animal fats and waste greases […]

Carbon Monoxide Safety Tips

Don’t Get Caught By The Silent Killer – How to Stay Safe From Carbon Monoxide Poisoning According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, carbon monoxide (CO) is a common industrial hazard resulting from the incomplete burning of material containing carbon such as natural gas, gasoline, kerosene, oil, coal, wood, or propane. It is a […]

How Propane Fits into An Energy-Diverse Future

Why an all-electrical game plan may be detrimental Going all-electric is becoming more and more popular. As local, state, and national governments enforce regulations to reduce emissions, all-electric is becoming more common. But is an all-electric future really the answer? Going all-electric can be costly, energy-draining, and at times unavailable. In a time where we […]

Delta Liquid Energy’s Involvement At the 2020 Mid-State Fair

Many things this year have been different due to the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the big changes DLE and our community saw was the absence of the California Mid-State Fair which is held annually every summer. Many 4-H and FFA members who had been raising their fair animals to be sold at the fair were […]

Flame Weeding with Propane: How Organic Farmers Are Benefitting

Weed management is a large part of a farmer’s job. Ensuring they get the highest yield out of their crop is critical for their livelihood and unkept weeds can lead to almost a 50% yield loss when not managed. There are different types of herbicides and solutions used to kill weeds, but these cannot be used […]

Warm Winter Activities with the Help of Propane

As the weather cools down and social distancing measures are still in effect, people are looking for activities to do from home, while staying warm. There are many different propane home appliances that can maximize your comfort and activities during the winter. Enjoying winter activities while using propane is great to combat the boredom and […]

Seven Ways To Lower Your Propane Bill This Season

Lowering your Thermostat a Few Degrees Can Add Up to BIG Savings When fall rolls in, along with the ever-popular pumpkin-spice latte, the temperatures drop and your propane bill may rise as you have the potential to use more propane. Many Americans are still reeling from the effects of COVID-19 – both economical and emotional […]

How to Prepare Your Propane Tank & Equipment for Winter

Follow These Tips to Keep the Propane Flowing Fall is a smart season to take some time to inspect your propane tank and equipment to be sure it’s ready for the cooler months. You’ll likely use more propane to keep your home or business warm during the winter. You shouldn’t have to worry about running […]

Wildfire and Propane Safety

Wildfires are a prevalent topic right now, especially on the West Coast. The most common fires that start are typically brush fires or wildfires, typically started by wind, lightening, or human actions. These fires can form in many different climates and terrains. Once a fire is started, they can grow in strength and distance in […]