How Propane Fits into An Energy-Diverse Future - Delta Liquid Energy

How Propane Fits into An Energy-Diverse Future

residential home using propane

Why an all-electrical game plan may be detrimental

Going all-electric is becoming more and more popular. As local, state, and national governments enforce regulations to reduce emissions, all-electric is becoming more common. But is an all-electric future really the answer? Going all-electric can be costly, energy-draining, and at times unavailable. In a time where we already experience multiple blackouts, this may not be the best option. Going all-electric will also limit our options of the popular amenities propane provides us. These amenities include temperature-controlled cooking and off the grid living.

Here are a few ways you can continue using propane for decades to come and contribute to an energy-diverse future:

  1. Take up on propane incentives/rebates.

    There are many different propane incentive programs through state, regional, or local governments. There are also incentives through the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) that will pay you to convert your appliances to propane.

  2. If building, work towards a Zero Net Energy home with propane.

    Zero net energy (ZNE) homes produce as much renewable energy as they consume. Propane can help create a ZNE home by working with other energy sources. Working with sources like solar provide reduced energy costs and emissions.

  3. Advocate for renewable propane.

    Renewable propane is a rising topic that will be seen more in the future. This fuel can do all the tasks of traditional propane while having a greener carbon footprint. According to PERC, renewable propane produces less carbon emissions. It is especially clean compared to electricity and other competing energy sources. To learn more about renewable propane, visit our blog post Renewable Propane: What It Is and What to Expect From It.

  4. Use clean burning propane appliances.

    Many propane appliances offer the same reliable efficiency as competing appliances. However, propane appliances emit less carbon.

  5. Engage with local legislators about climate goals.

    Often times, policies are quietly put into place that will restrict or eliminate future uses of propane. It is important to start conversations with local elected officials about the benefits of propane. By doing this, you can help educate those who make these rules and regulations.

Propane is a diverse fuel that provides energy even during the toughest times. Keeping your lights on during rolling blackouts and keeping consistent comfort during cold winters are a few examples of how propane is a key factor to an energy-diverse future.



Propane Education & Research Council

The Business Journal

Stop These Things

To learn more about propane and it’s impact on the environment, visit our blog post How Propane Fits Into the Green Equation- A Look At Propane’s Environmental Impact

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