Have You Heard About DLE's Level Payment Plan? - Delta Liquid Energy

Have You Heard About DLE’s Level Payment Plan?

Golden coins in a glass jar

Sign Ups Accepted April Through August Every Year!

The Delta Liquid Energy Level Payment Plan offers the opportunity for a known propane payment each month. We will work together with you to calculate you monthly payment based on your estimated use. Here’s how it works:

  • First, we take your estimated annual use and multiply it by the annual estimated average price per gallon for your area. Then we add your annual service agreement fee. This fee varies by region. We will then add in your estimated regulatory recover fees (RRF) for the year. Typically we estimate you will receive about three deliveries per year. Your RRF will be multiplied by your estimated amount of deliveries to come up with an estimated total RRF for the year.
  • Finally, we will take your overall estimated total and divide it by eleven. This will give us your equal monthly payment.
  • Below is an example of this calculation:

level pay caculation

  • Using the calculation above, we come up with an estimate or approximate amount you will spend on propane for the duration of your program (July to June, for example). The 12th month of the program (June) is used to “true up” your account. This means, we will review your account to find out how many gallons you actually consumed and the actual price on the date of your deliveries. We will see whether you’ve over paid or under paid for the year. There is potential you will have NO PAYMENT in the 12th month!

We do our best to estimate so that your twelfth month payment is minimal OR you are left with a credit on your account. All credits on your account will be used toward future purchases and will be in the form of a dollar amount, not a gallon amount.


Other benefits:

  • No need to pay a lump sum each time a delivery is made.
  • We will monitor your tank and refill you only when needed – avoiding any unnecessary deliveries and potentially saving you a few regulatory recovery fees per year.


Sign up for the Level Payment Plan in April through June to receive a $0.10 per gallon credit at the end of your term!*

*Certain terms and conditions may apply. All payments throughout term must be received by the 10th of every month. 

To Learn more about our Level Payment Plan visit our website.

View Our Summer 2020 Propane Press Here