What Do I Need to Know About Hurricane Safety?

Hurricane Safety for Californians While California is susceptible to many natural disasters, hurricanes are not typically one of them. Although this is true, it is still important to remember all the necessary precautions suggested for any natural disaster. Knowing how and where to turn off your propane supply, having an emergency preparedness plan that you […]

Don’t Get Caught Underwater – Flood Safety Tips

Important Information to Remember Should You and Your Propane Equipment Be Caught in a Flood A flood can happen anytime – especially in seasons of high rainfall or when snowmelt is running off into lakes, rivers, and streams. Floods can devastate towns and communities, completely submerging them underwater and damaging homes and businesses. Just as […]

Power Outage Safety Tips to Protect Your Family and Home

Six Power Outage Safety Tips to be Propane Proactive and Prepare for a Blackout It is always important to hope for the best but prepare for the worst as safety in a top priority if your home experiences a power outage. Being prepared will help keep your family calm should an instance cause you to […]

Propane Heat Safety Tips

Stay Cool in Extreme Heat by Staying Safe During these times of extreme heat, it’s even more important to adhere to the safety precautions that can help prevent potentially dangerous situations. As temperatures rise, the pressure in your propane tank can increase as the liquid tries to expand. Just like back in your old science […]

Keeping your Family Safe During a Thunderstorm

Useful Tips to Keep Your Family and Propane System Safe During a Thunderstorm Thunderstorms can pose a serious threat to your family and your property – over 100,000 thunderstorms occur across the U.S. each year. Here are a few thunderstorm safety tips you can use to keep your loved ones safe and avoid potential dangers. […]

Wildfire Safety – Tips for a Year-Round Threat

Important Propane Tips to Know Before, During, and After a Wildfire Wildfires are becoming a year-round occurrence in California. When one strikes it can plow through vegetation and buildings in seconds, destroying everything in its path. Not only are the flames and intense heat a concern – fallen debris, trees, or powerlines can cause problems […]