Renewable Propane: What Is It

Many people are familiar with renewable energy. Renewable energy is energy collected from infinite sources that naturally replenish themselves. As sustainability becomes more of a focus, renewable propane is on the horizon.   What is Renewable Propane?  Renewable propane is produced by converting natural sources such as biomass, vegetable oils, animal fats and waste greases […]

Flame Weeding with Propane: How Organic Farmers Are Benefitting

Weed management is a large part of a farmer’s job. Ensuring they get the highest yield out of their crop is critical for their livelihood and unkept weeds can lead to almost a 50% yield loss when not managed. There are different types of herbicides and solutions used to kill weeds, but these cannot be used […]

What Goes Into Making a Solar Back Up Battery?

The Human Rights Concerns You May Not Know About Solar power batteries used to house excess electrical energy can be very beneficial to a homeowner. They store the extra energy you pull in from the sun via your solar panels so that you can use it later. Consumers often choose this route because they feel […]

How Propane Fits Into the Green Equation – A Look At Propane’s Environmental Impact

The San Luis Obispo Tribune recently quoted a new study conducted by International Energy Agency saying that carbon emissions are expected to fall about 8% this year compared to last. This is due to the coronavirus pandemic. Places like Los Angeles and other large cities around the world are seeing a noticeable change in air […]

From Start to Finish, Solar and Electric Aren’t Carbon Neutral

Being 100 Percent Electric is Not the Answer to Combating Climate Change Issues Being carbon neutral is a hot subject with many Americans, businesses and government officials. These days there has been a lot of talk about how we collectively can combat the climate change issue. We rely on power every single day and that […]

Propane Powered School Buses Receive an “A+”

Riding to School in Style One hundred and eighty days out of the year our children are in school. For many families that means their kids take one hundred and eighty bus rides from home to school then back again. When riding a school bus takes up this much time in a young student’s life, […]

Tankless Water Heaters Give You One Less Thing to Worry About

Top Reasons a Tankless Water Heater Powered by Propane is Right for Your Family Endless Hot Water Delivery One advantage of a tankless water heater is the efficiency of the unit. Because tankless water heaters run continuously and on-demand, they can triple the hot water flow compared to heat pump water heaters. Also, they are […]