Propane and the Environment - Delta Liquid Energy

Propane and the Environment

A city surrounded by trees.

The environment is a hot topic. Quite literally, since summer is now upon us. With all the many doom and gloom headlines, it can be easy to lose sight of the improvements that are being made to cut down on emissions. But did you know that some people are going above and beyond the regulations to curb environmental damage? Look at Roush, a top manufacturer of clean engines. They did a case study following the Delaware Transit Corporation (DART) after they instituted propane buses. By making this switch, DART reduced their carbon dioxide emissions by 15 million pounds.


The Near Future

This summer, California is in a tight spot as many places are listed as being in “extreme drought”. Hydropower can’t keep up. With drought so extreme, we could see it cut by half this year. This is a big blow, given hydropower produced nearly a third of renewable electricity in 2021. The electric grid has been taking a bit of a beating, with power outages getting more frequent and energy interruptions becoming the norm. There are many more solar panels today, but even they can’t keep up with the demands of our electric grid. And they shouldn’t.

Putting all our hopes on one form of energy is a recipe for disaster and disappointment. Power outages, which are far more common today than they should be, are a great reason to utilize a propane backup generator. Since the fuel doesn’t go bad like with diesel, you know it will be there when you need it.

Speaking of diesel, did you know that vehicles account for 27% of all greenhouse gas emissions in the United States? It’s the largest contributor, followed by electricity, which contributes by 25%. By using propane autogas, those emissions can be cut by up to 21%. Vehicles running on propane are easy to refuel, need less maintenance, and the fuel itself is often much cheaper than gas or diesel. The only problem: alternative fuels, like autogas, are very restricted. Especially in California, there a many restrictions determining which vehicles can run on it.


Propane’s Answer Environment Concerns

It’s time we took a realistic look at what a clean energy future really looks like. We can get there. We just have to work together. You’ve already got a head start; propane is a certified clean energy source. By using propane, you have some wonderful environmental benefits. Emissions are kept to a minimum, you aren’t using a greenhouse gas, and this fuel has been approved as a clean energy source. Your clean energy future is a step closer with propane. Keep up the great work!

Printable Version of our DLE Summer 2022 Propane Press